1. To obtain and protect habitat in the New Jersey Pinelands area so that indigenous animals and plants can have an unexploited opportunity to live;
2. To protect free-living (wild) animals from hunting, trapping, fishing and other consumptive activities by people;
3. To provide a "living classroom" for the public to study nature and appreciate the importance of wildlife and habitat protection; and
4. To work with individuals and communities to peacefully resolve conflicts with wildlife.
We are delighted to report that our new Headquarters is now completed (photo shows Trustee Dave Sauder on porch). Jen Collins, our manager, has now relocated our office and residential quarters to the new building. She has an enviable stunning view of the main pond.
We still need, however, to raise a further $27,995 in order to finish paying for the project. If you have not yet donated -- or would like to provide additional funds -- we hope you will help us in this time of need:
Notice is hereby given that Unexpected Wildlife Refuge, Inc., a 501(c)3 nonprofit, is applying for funding from the State of NJ Green Acres Program to acquire property on Unexpected Road, Franklin Township, NJ, for recreation and conservation purposes. A copy of the application will be on file at the offices of Unexpected Wildlife Refuge, Inc., 110 Unexpected Road, Buena Vista Township, NJ, 08310, and is available for review and comment. Written comments on the proposed application may be directed to David Sauder, Vice President/Secretary, email address: dave.trustee@unexpectedwildliferefuge.org. Address: 312 Echelon Rd., Apt. #10, Voorhees, NJ 08043-2434.
Unexpected Wildlife Refuge is not involved in wildlife rehabilitation. Click here for our information page on this subject on what to do and, especially, what not to do.
We encourage people to visit our wonderful haven for wildlife. To schedule a visit...